Happy Grandparents Day!

Grandparents bring so much to the lives of their grandkids. Besides loving (and often spoiling) us, grandparents help us understand our family history and remind us that our parents were once kids, too! Keeping grandparents integrated into kids’ lives, made easier by aging in place, can improve the health of the whole family.

Though it’s not caught on to the same level as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day (perhaps because we celebrate grandma and grandpa on those respective dates), grandparents deserve a celebration of their own, too! So today, ADL wants to wish a Happy Grandparents Day to all of our customers in Southwest Virginia and beyond!

When Is Grandparents Day?

Catheter Supplies with an elderly man and his nurse in DanvilleGrandparents Day was officially established as a US holiday in 1978 by Jimmy Carter, making it a paradoxically young holiday compared to Mother’s Day (1914) and Father’s Day (1972). It seems appropriate that the president who lived the longest and has perhaps the most active post-presidency is also one of the presidents with the most significant legacy regarding Older Americans with Grandparents Day and Older Americans Month.

But the idea was not originally Carters’. Marian McQuade, a lifelong advocate for older Americans, first conceived the idea in the early 1970s. She spent much of her life improving communities for seniors in her home state of West Virginia, where she served on the Commission on Aging and the Nursing Home Licensing Board.

West Virginia was the first state to recognize Grandparents’ Day in 1973. By the time of McQuade’s death at 91, she had 43 grandchildren herself.

Like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, Grandparents Day does not fall on a particular date each year but is celebrated on the first Sunday after Labor Day. This year, it falls on September 8.

How Can We Appreciate Grandparents?

Grandparents Day is a great time to show our older relatives how much we love them. Celebrate them with family gatherings, time out, and cards, and let them know how much they’re appreciated.

But don’t limit your appreciation of grandparents to one day a year. Instead, help them to become active parts of family life.

One of the best ways to keep older relatives healthy is to help them stay active – physically, mentally and socially. Again, aging in place significantly improves the quality of our lives as we age and keeps us within our own communities.

Physical Health

When you can help your relatives stay in their homes, they are more likely to continue their usual routines. Even moving around the house and doing light chores contributes to health. We’re also more likely to take a walk in neighborhoods we know.

Social Health

When we know our neighbors, we’re more likely to go outside. Even casual relationships with those in our neighborhood can lift our spirits and keep us involved.

Mental Health

The familiarity of our homes can help us keep our minds sharp, and some studies have even proved positive for degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Aging in place isn’t always easy, but it’s often healthier and more cost-effective than the alternative. With a good team of professionals like doctors, nurses, and the team at ADL, we can help your loved ones live a full life with medical care and appropriate assistance, such as stairlifts and wheelchair lifts, to aid in their transportation.

Happy Grandparents Day

If you’re a grandparent, ADL wants to take the time to celebrate you! And if you have a grandparent, we’re here to help them with their mobility and aging in place needs. Happy Grandparents Day!